spirit in the rain
I am remembering how to be in total presence with nature. The cool, sharp whispery sound of leaves rushing in the wind, I feel this. The vibrations of music inside my body, the hazy hot steam of the shower on my skin. My body is waking back up to itself, and its infinite sensations that come with being alive.
Nature is always humming, breathing, listening. My paintings are about this alive-ness. I think about the texture of clouds, the heaviness of earth, and delicate flowers. I imagine a realm where all of them can coexist, at the same plane. Flowers growing on clouds, earth on a flower.
Titled “spirit in the rain,” this work embodies the experience of feeling the spirit of nature when it starts raining.
Sage green refers to my time living in western Colorado, where sage bushes grow everywhere. The glowing periwinkle lavender mirrors a memory of a beautiful dawn sky.
Everyday in the mountains, mother nature holds you.
xx, jess